Friday, June 15, 2012

The real story of a housewife

First time shooting since, wow, I don't know when. It feels amazing. I have been carrying around my camera for two days now, after months of letting it gather dust. I can't believe I ignored it that long, it makes since why I was so stressed out and frustrated. I just need to remember that taking pictures will always make me feel whole and better again.

Lately I have had an obsession with the show Mad Men. The characters of Betty, Joan and the rest of the women are all so real and beautiful. So when I got a chance to recreate their sentiments in picture form I jumped at the opportunity. These photos were taken at the beautiful home of a beautiful friend of mine. The model is also a close friend, Sarah, whose potential and ability as a model has grown exponentially over the past 2 years as I've photographed her.

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